Holy Week and Easter
We come again to the holiest time of year. All members of St. Paul’s are encouraged to make the most of this week by attending Mass as often as you can. It is offered every day from Palm Sunday through Easter, as the nearby schedule shows. Every night from Monday through Saturday there is an opportunity to meditate on the sacred mystery of our Lord’s passion and death, and then to receive the benefits of His passion and death, namely His Body and Blood, in the Sacrament. There is no greater time or opportunity to renew your Holy Faith than now. The Passion Gospels from St. Matthew (on Palm Sunday), St. Luke (on Holy Wednesday), and St. John (on Good Friday) will be read. Holy Monday and Tuesday will focus on portions of St. John chapter 12, which also concerns events that took place during Holy Week.
Even more important than these important days is Holy Saturday, the Great Vigil of Easter. The service starts at 7 pm outside the school cafeteria where we gather around a fire to light the paschal candle. This holy service has four parts, the first three of which are in preparation for Easter: the service of light, the service of readings, and the service of Baptism.
During the service of light the Exsultet is chanted, which is a beautiful, evocative melody that welcomes at long last the night of the resurrection of our Lord. The service of readings contains several Old Testament texts that particularly herald the renewal that is fulfilled at Easter. The service of Baptism reminds us that our Baptism is tied to Jesus’ resurrection, which is why it saves us (this year the Baptismal service will include the confirmation of one member and the reception by transfer of another). Then, at the fourth part of the service, we mark the ending of Lent and enter Easter: the bells are rung, the organ plays, and alleluias are sung. A holy joy descends upon the faithful who attend to these things in faith.
We return at 7:00 on Easter morning to commemorate the discovery of the Risen One by the women and the disciples.
Dear family of St. Paul’s learn to embrace these holy things, and take advantage of your opportunities this week.
April 9: Palm Sunday, 8:30 am
(no mass on
Saturday the 8th)
April 10: Holy Monday 7 pm
April 11: Holy Tuesday 7 pm
April 12: Holy Wednesday 7 pm
April 13: Maundy Thursday 7 pm
April 14: Good Friday 7 pm
April 15: Vigil of Easter 7 pm
April 16: Easter Sunrise 7 am
April 19: Easter Wednesday 7 pm
April 26: Octave of Easter 8:30 am
+ Pastor Eckardt
We Mourn the Loss
Our dear member Lucille Kemerling was tragically killed in an automobile accident on March 18th, and was given Christian burial on March 23rd. The members of St. Paul’s mourn, but we sorrow not as others who have no hope, for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them that sleep in him.
Lucille was one of our most faithful and regular members, routinely attending weekend and Wednesday services, as well as the Q and A class on Tuesdays. She was also a willing member of the Finance Committee and a vital volunteer for Gottesdienst, whenever renewal notices needed to be sent, or any type of mailing was called for.
Several members of the congregation considered her so beloved that she was like a second mother to them. Her kindness and gentle spirit were a shining example of Christian charity and faith to all.
R.I.P. Lucille Kemerling
April Anniversaries
4/13/2002 Steve and Sheri Kraklow
April Birthdays
4/3 Adam Shreck
4.14 Emmy Wear
4/19 Luke Wells
4/22 Grant Andreson
Our Shut ins
Mary Hamilton at home; Emmy Wear at Williamsfield Home; Emilie Ricknell at home.
April Ushers
Steve Peart, Grant Andresen, Larry Campbell (or Steve Harris if Larry Campbell is subdeacon)
Easter Preparations
Special help will be needed as we prepare for Easter.
To sign up for an Easter lily, find the list in the narthex. This year the cost is $15.00 per lily.
We are also asking people to prepare a dish for the breakfast, which will again be a potluck of sorts, as last year. Everybody brings something, but find the list in the cafeteria, and sign up for something in particular, so we don’t have everyone bringing the same thing.
Next, we’ll need volunteers to help clean the church and set up the cafeteria on Holy Saturday, April 15th, beginning at 9 am. Let’s make our celebration a great one by having a festive and clean place to rejoice on Easter.
If you can’t volunteer yoru time, but would like to donate to the effort, check out the form in a Sunday bulletin.
Midweek Schedule Change
The expected birth of Pastor and Carol’s sixth grandchild is also calling for the expected Baptism of this child, which Pastor has been asked to do at a Wednesday service at Immanuel in Rock Island, where Burnie and Amanda are members. Our schedule will likely be affected. When the Baptism is scheduled, our midweek Lenten service and soup supper will be moved to Tuesday night of that week. There is a good chance that will be the first Wednesday of April, in which case midweek activities move to Tuesday, April 4th, and all First Tuesday events will be cancelled for April.
UPDATE: Baby Mikey was been born Friday, April 24th! His Baptism has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 5th, at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Rock Island, at 6:30 p.m. This, as indicated above, will move our midweek activities move to Tuesday, April 4th, and all First Tuesday events will be cancelled for April.
SSgt John Eckardt Assigned to Air Force One
Former member and son of Pastor and Carol Eckardt, Staff Sergeant John Eckardt has received an assignment to work on Air Force One, President Trump’s plane. He and his wife Alissa live in Warrensburg, Missouri near Whiteman Air Force Base where John has been stationed since 2010. Whiteman is the only base in the U.S. that houses the Stealth bomber jets; already John has had sensitive assignments. A few months ago he was asked if he was interested in this new post, and he filled out the necessary forms. The new assignment will be at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. It begins in October, although the Air Force brass are likely to take into consideration the fact that Alissa is due to give birth to their second child around the first of that month, which may delay their move by a few weeks. The Eckardts will be able to attend Immanuel Lutheran Church in Alexandria, where Rev. Peter Eckardt, John’s brother, is serving as associate pastor.
There are actually two planes that regularly fly under the designation Air Force One, and they are nearly identical Boeing 747-200B jets. Technically any plane carrying the President becomes Air Force One, but the crew at Andrews will be responsible for those two planes.
John and Alissa will be provided free air travel, when available, to St. Louis any time they are able to visit, so they won’t be as far away from us as it seems.
His assignment is for five years.
Bible Stick for Military Personnel
A representative from Faith Comes By Hearing contacted me about a program to provide audio Bibles to active military members and their families in the form of a small flash drive with ear buds. The cost is $25.00 to support one military member and his or her family. The web site has this to say:
Just $25 provides a Military BibleStick (the Audio Drama New Testament and selected Psalms) for one of the Troops who protect our nation and preserve our freedoms.
“This has been the most useful thing I’ve ever had. Every day I listen — and it has brought me closer to God,” says a Navy pilot.
Anyone interested in this worthwhile way to support our military is encouraged to go to make your contribution to the church, and we will send it on.
- Pastor
Robins Sighted at Last: Barb Kraklow Wins Contest
It seems the robins came in a flock this year, all at once, judging from the reported sightings that came in from a number of people during the fourth week of February. The results are in, and the winner of this year’s contest is Barbra Kraklow, who reports having seen two of them on February 21st at 8:15 a.m.
Here’s the trophy list:
2017 – Barb Kraklow, February 21st
2016 – Judy Thompson, January 23rd
2015 – Carol Eckardt
2014 – Michele Keehner
Altar Guild Notes
• Images veiled for Passiontide, beginning Saturday April 1st.
• Paraments WHITE for the Easter Vigil and all the rest of April Sundays.
• Parament color is RED for April 26th, when we observe St. Mark’s Day (transf., April 25)
Our April meeting is cancelled, because we must move our midweek events to Tuesday during the first week in April. See article on p. 2.
Church Remodeling Continues but Operating Funds Low
The remodeling of our church is now in the midst of the balcony repairs and repainting. Our painter began with the staircase on the east side. The funding for this Phase II has been collected and is expected to be sufficient to cover this phase.
Meanwhile, however, at our March meeting the Council discussed the fact that operating funds are low.
In spite of sacrificial and exemplary giving on the part of many, we always have some difficulty taking in what we need per month.
On the positive side, Pastor and Carol’s health insurance premiums are about to go down significantly this month, since as of now they no longer need to be on the family plan. This decrease in spending should help quite a bit, but members should still be aware that our financial state remains fragile, as it has been for years. The Lord provides, and we have managed to survive and continue, all the while undertaking a major remodeling project. It is evident that the membership of St. Paul’s is eager and hopeful to see the congregation thrive, in spite of our small numbers.
Welcome, Sharon Field, and Congratulations, Joshua Kraklow
Our Easter Vigil will be even more special this year due to our welcome by transfer a new member, Sharon Field. Sharon has been regularly attending for weeks. Welcome, Sharon! Joshua Kraklow is also to be confirmed. Congratulations, Joshua!
Mission Opportunity
Members who would like to support missions in a personal way may consider doing so by contributing to the missionary project of Rev. Dr. Jonathan Naumann and his wife Deaconess Cheryl Naumann, who plan to live as missionaries in the Dominican Republic. Dr. and Mrs. Naumann are personal friends of Pastor and Carol, who can vouch for their confessional integrity as they look toward the missionary endeavor they are undertaking. You may go to the LCMS web site with this link: www.lcms.org/jonathan.naumann. A button there enables you to donate online. Or you may make a donation towards their mission work by check. Mail your check, made payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and designated on the memo line for Rev. Dr. and Deaconess Naumann - Latin America, to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Or call 888-930-4438 to speak with someone.
Recruiting for Catechesis
Catechesis concluded on April 8tht; we now look forward toward the recruitment of new members. Do you know someone who might be interested? A family member or co-worker, perhaps? The schedule is flexible for any adult who has interest. The best way to pick up new members is by personal invitation coming from a member of the church! That is, our members are our best resources when it comes to bringing new members in. Be sure to pick up a tract or two from the rack in the hallway to have available.
In Our Prayers
Our current list of prayer intentions at mass includes the names on the lists here following. To update the list please inform the pastor.
in our parish:
Denny Schoen, Monroe Kemerling, Tony Fisher, Sandra Verplaetse, Emilie Ricknell, Linda Rowe, Kris Harden, Joyce Long, Mary Hamilton, Emmy Wear
and also:
Anna Rutowicz [granddaughter of Harrises]
Jodi Rutowicz [daughter of Harrises]
Julie Ross [Svetlana Meaker’s daughter]
Jill Matchett [at request of Diana Shreck]
Annie Eastman [at request of Svetlana Meaker]
Nancy Popejoy [relative of Sharon Hartz]
Dave Colgron [friend of Tom Wells]
Shannon Watson [Jim’s daughter]
Noah Muske [relative of Kraklows]
Steve Draminski [friend of Jim Watson]
Kathy Nussear [Joyce Long’s daughter, cancer]
Theresa Lewis [niece of Carol Eckardt]
Bud Harfst [Sue Murphy’s brother]
Pastor Kenneth Wegener
Yvonne Wegener
in the military:
John Eckardt
Donny Appleman [at request of the Ricknells]
Thomas Kim [at request of the Shrecks]
Michael Creech [at request of the Murphys]
Katherine Creech [at request of the Murphys]
Richard Heiden [at request of the Eckardts]
Carter Wills [grandson of the Thompsons]
Luke Van Landigan [grandson of Dick Melchin]
Jaclyn Alvarez [daughter of Kris Harden]
Trevon Wetzel [at request of Kris Harden]
in trouble:
any unborn children in danger of abortion
those suffering from unrest, persecution, and imprisonment in Egypt, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Germany, North Korea, and elsewhere.
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