the Image of the Father
+ Pastor Eckardt
Taken from Every Day Will I Bless Thee:
Meditations for the Daily Office,
Meditation for Thursday of Advent I
Gospel: A New Gospel Book and New Place for Its Reading
Elizabeth Peterson, friend of the congregation from Cedar
Falls, Iowa (she and her husband Gerald have been here for Oktoberfest many
times), has sent us a lovely gift, which we are using for the first time at our
Thanksgiving Mass November 23rd. It is a richly embroidered cover
for our Gospel Book, maroon with gold crosses.
Since the elders and I have been discussing a possible
change to be made in the location of the Gospel reading, I have chosen to do so
as soon as we received this gift; hence, the change will be noticed beginning
November 23rd.
I plan from now to carry the Gospel book ceremoniously from
the altar to a place outside the chancel rail directly beside the processional
cross. On Sundays the subdeacon will hold the book.
There is a catechetical and liturgical significance to the
time-honored custom that connects the Gospel with the Sacrament by having its
reading from the Gospel horn (the left side as you face the alter). This custom
was even more pronounced in the days when the Gospel used to be chanted, since
the Gospel chant tones followed identical rules as the rules for the tones of the
Words of Institution.
However, the small area of our chancel does not make it easy
to read from the horn here. For some time I have been reading the Gospel directly
from the Gospel horn, but it seems cramped there, and the pulpit is also a bit
of an obstruction.
In the earlier days of my tenure here, I would read the
Gospel from the pulpit, thus regarding the pulpit as an extension of this
place; but the connection to the altar was not as clear.
The reason the left side of the chancel is called the Gospel
side is that there is a liturgical movement, or shift, that can be seen as the
service carries on, from right to left. In the early days of Christianity, when
churches were customarily built with their altars at the east end, this
movement would be a northward movement. Hence the Gospel side was meant to
indicate the movement of the Gospel to the north, where, in those days, the
barbarians and unschooled heathen dwelt. It was a way of saying that the Gospel
was to be preached to all the world.
Today the significance of the northward movements is purely
symbolic, but at least the movement from the “Epistle side” (the right side as
you face the altar) to the “Gospel side”
still provides a subtle reminder that the Gospel is meant for all the world.
On occasions of greater significance, the movement is not
merely to the Gospel side, but out from the Gospel side to the center aisle as
well, a symbolic reminder of the Incarnation: God is with us in the Person of
Jesus Christ; his Gospel is rightly read ‘among us’.
Look for this new feature of our worship: a new Gospel Book
and a new location for the reading of the Holy Gospel.
A Letter
of Thanks
21, 2016
Elizabeth Peterson
Falls, IA
On behalf of the membership of St.
Paul’s allow me to offer you our most hearty thanks for your gift of a
beautiful Gospel Book cover, crafted by your own hands. We plan to begin using
it, with a proper dedication, on Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.
Such items and matters bespeak our
faith well, as they show our dedication to the Gospel we have learned to love,
and to our Lord Jesus Christ. You clearly share this most holy faith with the
membership here, and for this we are grateful to Almighty God. May He bless all
your future endeavors.
Again, many thanks.
Sincerely in Christ,
Advent for
the church is a time of penitential preparation for the coming of Christ
(that’s why the color is violet). It’s
helpful to remember this as we also prepare our households for Christmas. Unlike the commercial and secular world, the
Church’s celebration of Christmas begins with
Christmas, and runs the twelve days of Christmas, until Epiphany. The finest way to prepare for the coming of
Christ is by contrition and confession.
Private confession is always available. Pastor is usually at
church on Wednesdays at 6 pm and on Saturdays at 4:30 pm. Or you may make an
appointment to see him: 852-2460.
Christ Masses
As usual, we will hold three
Christ Masses this year: the first will be on Christmas Eve at 7:00; the second will follow at Midnight; and the third will be Christmas morning at 10:00. Each will
have different propers, hymn schedule, readings, and sermon. Attend as many as you wish.
Although Christmas morning is a Sunday, the usual schedule
for a Sunday morning will not be
observed; only the 10 a.m. mass. will be held.
Year’s Masses
New Year’s Eve is on Saturday this year. Time of Saturday
mass is moved to 7 pm which is the usual time for New Year’s eve.
On New Year’s Day, which is a Sunday, we will hold mass at
our usual time of 8:30 a.m.
First Tuesday Meetings Dec. 6
On Tuesday, December 6th, Altar Guild meets as
usual at 6 pm, and Elders at 7:15 pm.
Between them we will hold vespers at 6:45 pm. All members invited.
Shut ins
Mary Hamilton at home; Emmy Wear at
Williamsfield Home in Williamsfield; Emilie Ricknell at home.
Special Masses Wednesdays
St. Andrew’s Day is Wednesday, November 30th, and
will be celebrated at our 7 p.m. mass.
St. Nicholas’ Day will be observed Wednesday, December 7th
(transf., Dec. 6) at our 7 p.m.
St. Lucia’s Day is Wednesday, December 13th, and
will be celebrated at our 7 p.m. mass.
St. Thomas’ Day is Wednesday, December 21st, and
will be celebrated at our 7 p.m. mass.
Members are invited to make an extra effort to attend these
services as part of your Advent preparation for the coming of Christmas.
12/11 Kris Harden
12/13 Michael Eckardt
12/13 Lynn Woller
12/20 Peter Eckardt
12/20 Rachel Rowe
12/23 James Armstrong
12/13 Jim and Carol Watson
Allan Kraklow, Steve
Kraklow, Tom Wells.
Bell Tolls
On the last Sunday of the year (which this year happens to
be Christmas, so we will also toll on Christmas Eve), we customarily toll the
bell at prayers for each member of our parish who has died during the year. We
remember this year one member who fell asleep in Christ:
Anna Belle Baker
Decorating During Advent
As is our custom, we decorate the church little by little
during Advent, until finally all is complete for Christmas. The
day on which volunteers are needed help put up the tree is Saturday, December 4th,
beginning at 9 am. Please help!
your metal for the Reformation Anniversary
Over the years, Linda Rowe has been collecting metal and
taking it to the junkyard where she receives cash per pound and brings it back
to church.
For the year 2017 she
has hopes of raising $500.00 in recognition of the 500th anniversary
of the Reformation (1517 – 2017).
So collect your scrap metal and get it to her if you can. If
you have large items, talk to her and perhaps she can arrange to have Larry
come and pick it up.
Let’s see if we can meet the $500 goal!
In Our Prayers
In addition to our shut-ins, our
current list of prayer intentions at mass includes the names on the lists here
following. Anyone wishing to update the
list by addition or subtraction, please inform the pastor.
our parish:
Denny Schoen
Sandra Verplaetse
Emilie Ricknell
Linda Rowe
Kris Harden
Joyce Long
Mary Hamilton
Emmy Wear
Anna Rutowicz [granddaughter of Harrises]
Jodi Rutowicz [daughter of Harrises]
Julie Ross [Svetlana Meaker’s daughter]
Jill Matchett [at request of Diana Shreck]
Annie Eastman [at request of Svetlana Meaker]
Nancy Popejoy [relative of Sharon Hartz]
Dave Colgron [friend of Tom Wells]
Shannon Watson [Jim’s daughter]
Noah Muske [relative of Kraklows]
Jonna Dougherty [friend of Chris Erickson, stroke]
Steve Draminski [friend of Jim Watson]
Kathy Nussear [Joyce Long’s daughter, cancer]
Ray Zarvell [friend of Steve Harris and Fr Eckardt]
Theresa Lewis [niece of Carol Eckardt]
Bud Harfst [Sue Murphy’s brother]
Matt Martain, [Ricknells’ grandson, cancer]
in the military:
John Eckardt
Donny Appleman [at request of the Ricknells]
Thomas Kim [at request of the Shrecks]
Michael Creech [at request of the Murphys]
Katherine Creech [at request of the Murphys]
Richard Heiden [at request of the Eckardts]
Carter Wills [grandson of the Thompsons]
Luke Van Landigan [grandson of Dick Melchin]
Jaclyn Alvarez [daughter of Kris Harden]
in trouble:
especially any unborn children in danger of abortion
those suffering from unrest, persecution, and imprisonment
in Iraq, India, China, North Korea, and elsewhere. (see persecution details, below)
Epiphany Seminar and Celebration:
January 5th, 2016
An Epiphany day of reflection is planned for Thursday,
January 5th. At the close of
the seminar we will be observing Epiphany. Here is the schedule:
1:00 p.m. Opening mid-day prayer service
1:30 p.m. Seminar (day of reflection):
The sixteenth
retreat in the Theological Reflection series is entitled,
At this retreat, we will examine St. Luke 11, particularly
Jesus’ liturgical instruction to pray and the parable of the friend at
midnight. Jesus’ command, “When you pray, say Our Father,” etc., is followed
immediately by the parable, which has rich sacramental overtones. Curiously,
“This do” is omitted in the Lucan account of the Verba (22:19-20), quite possibly
because, following the parable of the friend, Jesus had already instructed his
disciples to ask, seek, and knock (11:9).
4:00 p.m. break for dinner
7:00 p.m. Epiphany Mass
7:45 p.m. Wine and Cheese reception
Mark your calendar!
Guild Notes
Advent begins November 27th. The four Advent
Sundays’ color is violet. If roses are obtained, they may be placed on
the Third Sunday in Advent, December 13th.
For midweek masses, color varies:
November 30th: red, for St. Andrew
December 7th: white, for St. Nicholas.
December 14th: red, for St. Lucia.
December 21st: red, for St. Thomas
The three Christ Masses will be held as usual, 7 pm
Christmas Eve, 12 midnight, and 10 am Christmas Day. Color is white
for all three.
Holy Innocents Day is Wednesday evening, December 28th:
Color is red.
New Year’s Eve (Saturday) is at 7 pm; New Year’s Day
(Sunday) is at the usual 8:30 time for a Sunday. Color is white.
Persecution details (from page 4):
INDIA: Christian Family Brutally Beaten
A 60-year-old
Christian man died from injuries experienced during
an attack, allegedly by Hindu radicals, in the Bastar District of India's
Chhattisgarh State. According to local believers, four members of the family,
including a pregnant woman, were brutally beaten because they refused to
denounce their Christian faith.
CHINA: Christian Magazine Editor Under
Chinese government has shut down a quarterly Christian magazine that encourages
the faith of up to 100,000 believers and provides information on recent
incidents of persecution. The underground magazine, Ai Yan (which translates as Love Feast), benefits thousands of urban underground churches, as well as
rural house churches.
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