The High Feast of
St. Luke 24, Christ shows how all the Scriptures testify
of Him. Beginning at Moses (the first
five books of the Bible) and all the prophets (the rest of the Old Testament),
He expounded unto them—what?—in all the Scriptures the things concerning
Himself. See, it says, in all, all. Therefore Christ is the Key who unlocks the
Scriptures. The Emmaus disciples were
sad, even though it was Easter Sunday. Why
were they sad? Because the Scriptures
were closed to them, who believed Christ was dead. But now their eyes are opened, because Christ
walks with them and makes Himself known to them. But how, especially, does Christ make
Himself known to them? According to this
Scripture, In the breaking of the bread.
So also is He made known to us in the breaking of the bread, that is, in
the Holy Sacrament, the High Feast of Easter.
Let us become as the Emmaus disciples, with hearts burning as He unlocks
the Scriptures and teaches us of Himself; and let us especially rejoice when He
makes Himself known to us in the breaking of the bread. +
The Meditation for Easter Monday, from Every Day Will I Bless Thee: Meditations for the Daily
Office, Pastor Eckardt’s published
Special services coming up
The Easter Octave is an entire
week of Easter’s joyous celebration. At St. Paul’s we continue the feast on
Easter Wednesday, which is March 30th this year, and on the Sunday
after Easter, which fall on April 3rd. As usual, the Wednesday mass
is at 7 p.m. and the Sunday time resumes at 8:30 a.m. (only Easter Day itself
saw the morning time move to an earlier 7 a.m.).
The Day after the Octave, Monday, April 4th,
we will be observing the Feast of the Annunciation at 7 p.m. Since it fell on
Good Friday this year, it is transferred to “Low Monday.” A special mass will
be held, with organ and soloist.
Church Remodeling Moves Ahead
The remodeling of our church has resumed,
with well over $5,000 collected toward the project in just over one month’s
time, a sure sign of the excitement people are feeling about the project.
indicated in the previous newsletter, the project began in February; Otis
Anderson and the trustees and volunteers have put in many hours of preparation,
including the erecting of scaffolding and arranging with the painter and the
paint supplier.
have now arrived at the exact colors and color scheme we want. By an informal
agreement with members of the council, an ad-hoc sub-committee was formed to
sort out exactly what colors we needed, when we discovered that there were many
options from which to choose. We also realized we would need to map out how the
church painting should proceed at this time.
proceeded to do diligent research into the questions of color and style for a
neo-Gothic structure, consulting personally with the specialists at Sherwin-Williams,
reading many on-line articles advising on church interiors, looking at dozens
of photos of church interiors, and testing several different shades on the wall
of the church where we have begun. We took into account on the one hand the
general consensus that people wanted the color scheme to be pretty much as it
was, and on the other hand the concerns that had been raised over the years
that our current wall color doesn’t quite seem to match the stained-glass
windows. We also asked opinions of people after worship. We learned in the
process that much of the difficulty lay in the fact that the wall color was a
shade of blue-green, which is notoriously difficult to match with any other
shades of green, with the result that it didn’t seem to complement the
stained-glass windows. We opted for a bluer tint, since we saw that in the
windows, and blue is much easier to match against other shades of blue.
blue we chose for the major portion of the walls, called “Vast Sky,” is the
blue most members have already seen on our test panel, the wall section between
the windows on the west side of the nave.
will be two shades of this color used (the darker is called “Resolute blue”),
just as we currently have: a darker hue comes up from the floor about four
feet, coming to an end where there is actually a third, yet darker hue (“Secure
blue”), in a pinstripe, above which is the main color. We have chosen to
maintain this pattern; the only difference is that we will be using tints a bit
bluer than what is currently on the walls.
the ceiling we chose to go a bit lighter than the current color. The first
option, which was initially put up and seen by most members at worship early in
March, was a bit too light, we concluded, and so we decided a slight darkening
would provide a warmer look.
important addition we agreed upon, after researching the importance of the ribs
of a Gothic structure, was to make them an altogether darker hue than the rest
of the ceiling. Actually this darker hue, which will be used for the ribs and
for the pillars, turns out to be about the same as the color currently on the
ceiling and pillars, except that the current color has a hint of peach we found
undesirable for our scheme.
spent considerable time weighing the option of taking the wall color all the
way to the window, as opposed to painting the framing the shade of the ceiling,
such as the current style has. We chose the latter, and added a two-tone effect
to it, and choosing the darker tone for the windowsill.
we are planning to finish the entire section where the pews have been removed, all the way to the ceiling, before undertaking to move the pews and scaffolding for the next section. We expect to go section by section throughout the entire church, until we reach the front, and tackle the chancel area
last of all.
The selection of a color scheme is more daunting than we thought, and there came a point at which we needed to be brave and simply make a choice, from all the possibilities
(probably over a hundred carefully considered). We did so, and I took the results of our selection process to the church council, and they gave their approval at their March 16th meeting.
It is my earnest prayer that this project will be a blessing to us and fruitful; I have added to the weekly prayers a little line from the 90th Psalm that asks that God would “establish the work of our hands.” The purpose for this endeavor, of course, is to give expression to our most holy faith in the best way we can. We have the gift of a lovely church; our earnest hope is that by the will of our Lord its renewal will work mightily toward a recovery of the majestic effect of which it surely has the potential.
+ Pastor Eckardt
First Tuesday events moved to Monday this month only
to scheduling conflicts and for convenience, our Altar Guild and Elders meetings are moved to Monday, April 4th
this month. That is the day we will also observe the Feast of the
Annunciation (transferred from March 25th, which was Good Friday
this year). Altar Guild time is moved to 5:30, and Elders time is moved to
8:10. Mass is at 7 p.m..
Altar Guild Notes
Paraments WHITE for the Easter Vigil and all the
rest of April.
Parament color does not turn to RED until May 14th,
the Vigil of Pentecost.
Parament color is RED for Pentecost, May 15th,
and midweek of Whitsun Week, May 18th.
Parament color is WHITE for Trinity, the weekend
of May 21-22 and through the Octave, that is, through May 29th.
Parament color turns to GREEN after mass on May
Steve Peart, Grant Andresen, Larry Campbell (or Steve Harris
if Larry Campbell is subdeacon)
4/13/2002 Steve
and Sheri Kraklow
4/3 Adam Shreck
4/19 Luke Wells
4/22 Grant Andreson
St. Louis
A one-day conference on Tuesday, May 17th
will be held in at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hamel,
Illinois (about a half-hour outside of St. Louis on I-55), featuring the
editors of Gottesdienst (including
your pastor), and Rev. Matthew C. Harrison, the President of the Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod. Its intention is to prepare for the upcoming LCMS
convention this summer by focusing on a matter that will be brought up there,
namely the restoration in our churches of the Lutheran practice that only
called and ordained pastors preach and administer the Sacraments. The Augsburg
Confession declares that “no one should teach or administer the Sacraments
without a regular call” (Article 14), but in 1989 the LCMS approved a practice
of allowing unordained men to do this in certain places. The theme of this
conference is
“Removing the Asterisk:
Restoring an Unconditional Subscription to AC XIV in the
For details, click here.
Our Shut ins
Mary Hamilton is with her son in Fort Wayne, Ind.; Emmy Wear is at
Williamsfield Home.
for first two readings
You may have
noticed a slight change that was initiated midway through Lent. The elders have
approved Pastor’s election to begin using the New King James Version for the
Old Testament and Epistle, while retaining the older King James for the
Gospels, read from the Gospel book.
what volunteers have been doing:
Vacuuming the church
Dusting the church
Sweeping the halls
Emptying the trash
Fixing the candles
Preparing the altar
Arranging for altar flowers
Polishing altar-ware and offering plates
Preparing bulletins
Managing and juggling the finances
Counting and recording offerings
Preparing finance sheets for the council
Seeing to the maintenance of the building
Cleaning the gutters and window-wells
Preparing Sunday breakfasts
Preparing Lenten suppers
Planning an volunteering for Easter breakfast
Planning and volunteering for Oktoberfest
Preparing Gottesdienst
Assisting on Sunday mornings (subdeacon, servers, ushers)
Liaison with Head Start
Participating in our church remodeling efforts (contacting
the painter, getting scaffolding up, moving pews, selecting paint, etc.)
Grading new gravel, sifting out gravel from lawn
Pulling weeds
Trimming the hedges
There’s probably more, but you get the idea: a lot of
volunteer work goes into maintaining this church. A hearty thanks to all who
participate! And a note to everyone: it is our sincere hope and prayer that so
many tasks will not continually fall to so few people, though they generally
never complain. Please, if you can, help us out! Not only is every volunteer
needed; volunteering together is enjoyable: often Saturday mornings are a good
time for this.
In Our Prayers
Our current list of prayer intentions at mass includes
the names on the lists here following. To
update the list please inform the pastor.
in our parish:
Denny Schoen
Sandra Verplaetse [recovering
from surgery]
Emilie Ricknell
Linda Rowe
Berniece Harris
Mary Hamilton
Emmy Wear
and also:
Anna Rutowicz [granddaughter of Harrises]
Julie Ross [Svetlana Meaker’s daughter]
Jill Matchett [at request of Diana Shreck]
Lorene Foglesong [at request of the Kraklows]
Cathy Van Wassenhove [friend of Sandra Verplaetse]
Shelly DeBord [at request of the Watsons]
Robin Hampton [at request of the Watsons]
Maria Thorndike [at request of the Murphys]
Dottie Olander [at request of the Murphys]
Annie Eastman [at request of Svetlana Meaker]
Emily Corzine [Sarah’s sister]
Dennis Hoag [at request of Diana Shreck]
Nancy Popejoy [relative of Sharon Hartz]
Jeff Autery [friend
of Chris Erickson, with cancer]
John Molburg [friend
of Sandra Verplaetse]
Dave Colgron [friend
of Tom Wells]
Shannon Watson [Jim’s
Ray Zarvell
in the military
John Eckardt
Donny Appleman [at request of the Ricknells]
Thomas Kim [at request of the Shrecks]
Michael Creech [at request of the Murphys]
Katherine Creech [at request of the Murphys]
Richard Heiden [at request of the Eckardts]
Carter Wills [grandson of the Thompsons]
Luke Van Landigan [grandson of Dick Melchin]
Jaclyn Alvarez [daughter of Kris Harden]
in trouble
any unborn children in danger
of abortion
those suffering from unrest,
persecution, and imprisonment in the Middle East, North Korea, and elsewhere.
for Catechesis
Catechesis concluded on
March 19th and 20th; we now look forward toward the recruitment of new members. Do you know
someone who might be interested? A family member or co-worker, perhaps? The
schedule is flexible for for any adult who has interest. The best way to pick up new members is by personal invitation coming
from a member of the church! That is, our members are our best resources
when it comes to bringing new members in. Be sure to pick up a tract or two
from the rack in the hallway to have available.
Several events and speaking engagements will keep me busy
over the next several weeks, beginning this month. Here are the events:
- Association of
Confessional Lutherans conference, April 6-8 (speaking)
- District Pastors’
Conference, April 11-13 (attending)
- Regional Pastors’ retreat,
May 2-3 (speaking)
- Gottesdienst St. Louis,
May 17 (speaking)
- Concordia Catechetical
Academy, Waukesha, Wis., June 15-17 (speaking)
Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church
109 S. Elm Street
Kewanee, IL 61443
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